
  April 30,2002  
Macro economy  
Private economy  
Social security  
Rural development  
Urban development  
Rural water accessibility 2006-09-07
In most of the country's urban areas, the constant availability of clean water is virtually taken for granted, even if its purity is sometimes questioned.

Efficiency of water treatment 2006-08-31
More effort should be made by the government to improve efficiency in sewage treatment and water use, says a signed article in Beijing News.

Punish the polluters 2006-08-28
A weekend report to the National People's Congress (NPC) on how the environmental protection law has been enforced nationwide gives a pessimistic picture about the fulfilment of quotas on the discharge of pollutants and the efficient use of energy resources.

Time to solve water woes Water is no easy topic 2006-08-23
After numerous futile appeals for sensible water use, authorities have finally made up their minds to let money do the talking.

More water-saving steps 2006-08-17
The heat wave that has been hanging over Southwest China's Sichuan Province and Chongqing Municipality for a month has inflicted severe drought on this traditionally wet area, through which numerous rivers flow.

Hold polluters to account 2006-08-16
Each time a grim picture is drawn about the country's increasing pollution, the public will be shocked to further sharpen their awareness of environmental protection.

Protecting the environment begins at home 2006-08-11
Hong Kong undoubtedly is one of the cleanest cities in the world.

Keep the green alert on 2006-08-07
The State Environment Protection Administration (SEPA) recently published a harshly-worded article underscoring the growing tensions between the country's rapid economic growth and its environmental protection.

Give law greater clout in battle against pollution 2006-07-31
On November 13, 2005, a blast at the Jilin Chemical Plant caused the leakage of tons of benzene, aniline and nitrobenzene into the Songhua River.

Humanity and nature need to exist in harmony 2006-07-27
"Harmony" is at the core of traditional Chinese culture and the Chinese people's view of the world and the universe.

Safe rubbish disposal 2006-07-25
An investigation of the 490 landfill sites in Beijing has found that 980,000 tons of consumer waste are not properly disposed every year before they are buried.

Time to break free from extensive growth mode 2006-07-25
Resources and the environment are inextricably linked. In the course of China's medium- and long-term economic development, cutting the amount of resources we use is the precondition for controlling pollution and environmental damage.

Dilemma for watchdog 2006-07-20
Eighty-two fish farmers have won their lawsuit against the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA)

Take urgent measures to protect our environment 2006-07-19
While China's GDP has risen at an annual rate of 8 to 12 per cent since the nation embarked on opening and reform in the late 1970s

Rocky road to a brighter environment 2006-07-04
Thousands of environmental non-government organizations (NGOs) perform invaluable tasks in China, and with signs that more are expected to emerge annually, things are looking up for China's degraded environment.

How to stop the smoke? 2006-06-22
Beijing was suddenly shrouded in heavy smoke on Tuesday evening. An investigation by the environmental authorities found that the smoke was caused by farmers burning straw in Hebei Province.

Nation may look south for green lessons 2006-06-14
China is going through growing pains.

Greener projects needed 2006-06-12
The State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) named 10 "Environmentally Friendly Projects" last Friday

Hard battle on pollution 2006-06-01
Air pollution has turned into a major hazard affecting urban residents' quality of life.

Perseverance essential in protecting environment 2006-06-01
Beijing Youth Daily, one of the capital's major mass-circulation papers, reported on Tuesday that leading hotels in Beijing have resumed supplying disposable articles such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, razors, combs and slippers.

Ministry identity comes second to environment 2006-05-22
Reading media reports recently, I have come across what appear to be classical examples of mismanagement, Chinese-style.

Protectionism still a barrier 2006-05-16
More efforts should be put into upgrading China's environment protection enforcement, says an article in the Beijing News.

Lack of water drains city 2006-05-16
Beijing will install water-saving gadgets in all of its public places at the end of June. Residents are required to put the water-saving facilities on their taps, commodes and showers at the end of this year.

Protection for scenic spots 2006-05-11
More investment should go into protecting scenic resources, says a signed article in Shanghai Youth Daily. An excerpt follows:

Rational policy-making vital 2006-04-29
An unexpectedly strong dust storm hit Beijing in the middle of this month, sparking a new round of human reflection on the environment.

Put heritage above profit 2006-04-29
Beijing and its neighbouring Hebei Province are lucky to have some of the Great Wall's most famous and popular sections in their territories.

Support green packaging 2006-04-21
As the World Packaging Conference concluded yesterday in Beijing, attention was drawn to green packaging, a new but highly significant concept for China.

Appropriate penalties 2006-04-20
The curtain fell for the sixth national conference on environmental protection on Tuesday in Beijing as yellow sand blanketed the city.

Take action on storms 2006-04-19
Strong sandstorms have affected more than 200 million residents in a vast area of 1.61 million square kilometres in the past couple of days in North China.

Let watchdog do its work 2006-04-14
Qu Geping, former director of the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA), admitted on Wednesday that some of the country's environmental protection targets have never been met in the past 25 years.

Time to save rainwater 2006-04-13
Every drop of water matters to Beijing, a city that has battled drought for the past seven years.

SEPA's work needs teeth 2006-04-06
The State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) did not surprise us yesterday when it warned of "serious environmental risks" at major chemical projects along our main rivers.

Black and white cats' We also need green ones 2006-03-10
The colour green is taking on increasing connotations of everything related to environmental friendliness and resource protection. Green issues are the focus of panel discussions at the ongoing sessions of the National People's Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).

Environment policies must be carried out 2006-02-22
Environmental protection has been a topic frequently discussed by government departments and the media for years. However, the situation is not improving.

Take action against pollution 2006-02-20
Follow-up action should be taken to tackle pollution after an environmental protection "storm" is launched, says a commentary in Beijing News. An excerpt follows:

Watchdog given teeth to bite major polluters 2006-02-16
The State Council announced a decision to further promote environmental protection on Tuesday but warned the situation "is still severe."

Resolve key to battling scourge of pollution 2006-02-13
The State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) the country's top environmental watchdog named and shamed 11 riverside companies as heavy polluters last week.

Citizens will embrace green GDP with help 2006-01-25
The publication of the first national environmental protection and livelihood index at the beginning of this year has made clear how far China still has to go to mobilize citizens to create an environmentally-friendly society.

Green driving zooms on with end to bans 2006-01-06
The government's decision to encourage development using energy-saving and environmentally-friendly cars was long overdue.

Environmental protection a top concern 2005-12-13
Faced with the threat of ecological deterioration, the authorities in Yuxi, Yunnan Province, have been prioritizing environmental protection in the past two years.

Lift ban on small car to banish pollution 2005-12-05
With less than a month to go before year's end, Beijing municipal officials are again ticking off the "blue-sky days" as they strive to meet the annual quota.

China is keen to prevent and reduce POPs 2005-11-16
November 11 was the first anniversary of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutions (POPs) entering into force in China.

Fairness crucial to environmental issues 2005-11-07
Judging from the swelling investment pumped into related projects, China has grasped more thoroughly than ever the urgency of environmental protection.

A hard-won victory for environmental protection 2005-09-12
It seems the dust has finally settled on the months-long controversy surrounding the Old Summer Palace, or Yuanmingyuan, park project to cover its lake beds with impermeable covers, presumably to conserve water.

Develop small cities to ease population pressure 2005-09-05
Beijing is not what it used to be. Its population has tripled since half a century ago.

Agencies need support 2005-07-22
The government should fully support environmental protection agencies to help them tackle pollution, says an article in Workers' Daily. An excerpt follows:

Stop excessive packaging 2005-06-15
More efforts should be made to stop enterprises over-packaging their food products, says an article in the Guangming Daily. An excerpt follows:

Reclaim environment, but not coastal land 2005-06-02
China's rivers are just as priceless as the nation's most priceless cultural relics. After all, the water has been flowing for 5,000 years, too.

Ordinaries encouraged to promote environmental protection 2005-05-27
Wu Zhihong, an environmental volunteers from Yixing City, Jiangsu Province, recently received 1, 200 yuan (about 146 US dollars) from the provincial environmental protection bureau as a bonus for his tips on illegal discharge of pollutants into rivers and lakes.

Chinese recycling base in pursuit of sustainable development 2005-05-24

Sound urban plans called 2005-05-12
City planners should try to eliminate environmental degradation and squandering of resources in urban construction, says an article in Nanfang Daily. An excerpt follows:

Let investors help with environment protection 2005-04-29
Last Friday was the 36th World Earth Day and there were lots of celebrations in China. Unlike festival celebrations, the gatherings, ceremonies and speeches on that special day were anything but joyous.

Cashmere, environment need better balancing 2005-04-19
Cashmere is known as "soft gold" or " the diamond of fibre," due to its rarity and incomparable quality.

Sustainable development wins for all
Sustainable development nowadays is not only a fashionable term. It is becoming a requirement.

Prevention costs less than the cure 2005-02-22
The State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) suspended 30 construction projects that violated rules governing their environmental impact assessments on January 18. Since then a series of moves have been taken to improve environmental protection in the country.

Seizing on Kyoto Protocol momentum 2005-02-17
With the Kyoto Protocol taking effect yesterday, mankind has finally taken a decisive step forward to safeguarding the planet by curbing global warming.
It is time for modest celebration.

To be or not to be before nature 2005-02-17
Editor's Note: There have been endless debates in the academic circles over the relationship between man and nature. The opposing ideas of He Zuoxiu, a theoretical physicist and academician from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a renowned environmentalist Liang Congjie from the Friends of Nature organization have by and large led and highlighted the ongoing discourse in China. In the following articles, each elaborates on his opinion.

Strengthening control on polluting projects 2005-01-19
Thirty large-scale ongoing projects across 13 provinces which did not go through environmental impact assessment procedures have been held up, an official from the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) said yesterday.

Environment: equal to all 2004-11-04
The past several decades' rocketing growth are now seeing China pay some tough prices.

Paying the price for environment destruction 2004-11-02
When taxi companies in Beijing tried to replace their old cars in early September, the authorities supposedly set limits on car size and emissions, which cut out smaller cars from the running. But if the taxi companies had read more closely a widely-quoted article by a high-profile environment official, they would have realized larger cars are likely to cost them more than just the extra value of the vehicle itself.

Making ecology a priority 2004-06-17
China's outstanding economic achievements in recent years have been partly based on an excessive consumption of its energy resources.

Rational plan is needed 2004-06-09
Cleaning up water is a long-term project and feasible plans should be drafted to this end, according to an article in the People's Daily. An excerpt follows:

Long march along Yangtze aims to highlight pollution 2004-06-07
A team of Chinese experts will kick off an environmental "long march" next month along the country's longest river to raise the public's awareness of the acute pollution in the river.

Pull the plug on polluters 2004-05-27
To eliminate the problems of mine accidents and water pollution, unsafe mines and polluting factories must be shut down, which is the ultimate solution, according to an article in Beijing Youth Daily. An excerpt follows:

Make Beijing a green city 2004-05-24
Beijing should strengthen its management of the city's green belts, according to an article in Economic Daily. An excerpt follows:

No time to drag on protecting environment 2004-04-27
During a weekend environmental forum in Beijing, Pan Yue, vice-minister of the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA), proposed that environmental protection efforts should be included in the evaluation of civil servants' performance.

Water resources urgent to be protected 2004-04-12
China's water resources are in an urgent need to be protected, according to an article in Guangming Daily. An excerpt follows:

Water pollution incident urges effective control 2004-04-01
River pollution made drinking water unsafe for more than 1 million people in three cities of Southwest China's Sichuan Province earlier this year.

Linking prosperity to environmental harmony 2004-03-12
At a Wednesday symposium on population, resources and environment attended by cabinet ministers and provincial governors, President Hu Jintao reiterated the new leadership's commitment to a "scientific perspective of development."

Cracking down on environment lawbreakers 2004-03-12
Vice-Premier Zeng Peiyan yesterday urged a crackdown on crimes that violate environmental laws in an effort to address growing concerns.

Urban environment stressed 2003-10-30
Senior officials yesterday urged increased efforts to protect urban environment and natural resources during the rapid sprawl of China's urbanization.

Time to get serious about environment 2003-10-28
The latest report paints a grave portrait of China's environmental health.
The nation's environment on the whole has been deteriorating, and its ability to resist natural disasters has diminished, according to officials from the State Environmental Protection Administration.

Plan set to limit desertification 2003-10-28
China is set to further limit expansion of desertified land to create a better living environment for people who inhabit such areas, said a senior forestry official.

Balanced development to be enhanced 2003-10-28
Senior officials said China is determined to step up its efforts to enforce the national strategy of sustainable development with the emphasis on environmental protection.

Profit hunger eating away eco-system 2003-10-23
Ecological deterioration in China is spreading, becoming more serious and causing increasing damage, a senior environment official warned yesterday.

Project to combat pollution 2003-10-17
China has launched 260 projects to curb water pollution along the eastern line of the south-to-north water-diversion scheme.

Polluters will pay a price 2003-09-25
More than 6,800 enterprises across the country will be shut down or ordered to suspend production after a nationwide investigation found they seriously pollute the environment.

Ban replenishes China's fish stocks 2003-09-18
YANTAI, Shandong: Fishermen are harvesting the sea after a summer fishing ban ended at noon on Tuesday.

Heatwave hits nation 2003-08-14
Li Yanxiang, a senior short-range weather forecaster with the Central Meteorological Observatory (CMO), fixes her eyes on the computer screen, as she maps in isobars.

Young Chinese people support environmental protection 2003-07-20
Many Chinese people, especially the younger generation, are reconsidering their relationship with the natural environment. The Communist Youth League of China (CYLC) launched a massive environmental protection project in 1999 urging the country's 420 million young people to plant trees along major watercourses in China, including the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, both dubbed "Mother River of the Chinese culture".

Environmental protection urged for rivers 2003-07-03
Minister of the State Environmental Protection Administration Xie Zhenhua urged on July 2 relevant departments at all levels to make sure that the pollution control targets for 2005 in key river areas and regions can be achieved.

Government urges fulfillment of pollution control plan 2003-07-03
The State Council, or the Chinese cabinet, called a meeting of provincial officials in charge of environmental protection work to address the urgency to fulfill the Tenth Five-year Plan on Pollution Control and Treatment in Key River Basins and Areas, which is due by the year 2005.

Environment improvement benefits Inner Mongolia 2003-06-30
The coverage rate of forest in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region rose to the current 14.28 percent from 13.81 percent in 1997, benefiting 1.44 million families of farmers and herdsmen, according to the local forestry department.

Desert still poses great threat 2003-06-18
National forestry authorities yesterday called for redoubled efforts in afforestation to avert worsening degradation and drought.

Experts call for legislation on emissions trading 2003-04-16
China should enact laws and regulations on emissions trading as soon as possible in order to implement this new pollution-control mechanism throughout the country.

Turn off tap to firms that waste water 2003-03-04
As the arid north suffers spring drought, the Yellow River, the most important water source for North and Northwest China, is drying up in some sections of its lower reaches.

Experts sound flood alarm 2003-03-04
Chinese lawmakers and government advisors have warned against a possible recurrence of the devastating summer flooding of the Yangtze, China's longest river, in 1998, but they also expressed strong confidence in the river's fortified embankments.

Pollution control plan helps public breathe easier 2002-11-28
If you asked a Beijing resident his or her biggest concern regarding the environment in the capital city, the most likely answer would be "air quality."

Woodland areas need sustainable strategies 2002-11-27
Experts have called for the overturning of a blanket ban on logging in areas targeted for afforestation, claiming it is not the best way to achieve conservation with development.

Three Gorges reservoir to act as 'air-conditioner' - report 2002-07-02
The Three Gorges reservoir, the largest man-made lake in the world now being built on the Yangtze River, will become an "air-conditioner" once full to capacity, according to the findings of a scientific research program.

Environmental-friendly tourism vital 2002-07-02
Tourism development has long been highlighted as a key to poverty alleviation and economic growth in the country.

Will heritage sites pass exam? 2002-05-16
China's 28 sites included on the World Natural Heritage List or the World Cultural Heritage list face a strict examination when a thorough review on them takes place.

UN forum stresses high-tech transfers 2002-04-16
Governments in all parts of the world and international organizations should help developing countries upgrade their research and application of technology, so as to enhance their capacity to realize sustainable development, a Chinese science official has suggested.

Ocean group issues pollution warning 2002-04-01
The State Oceanic Administration (SOA) warned the country's major coastal cities on Friday that the marine environment is deteriorating.

Environmentalist fights pollution 2002-03-16
Editor's note: People's spokespersons and political advisers met from March 3 to 15 in Beijing to discuss national affairs. Staff reporter Zeng Min interviewed National People's Congress (NPC) deputy Chen Wanzhi, who is also an environmental activist in Southwest China's Chongqing Municipality.

Nation urged to protect fragile ecological cycle 2002-03-12
China's top environmental authority yesterday reiterated its determined strategy of ecological protection around the country, especially in the "fragile" western region.

Jiang stresses sustainable development 2002-03-11
President Jiang Zemin called for an increased nationwide effort to promote the harmonious development of China's population, resources and environment.

Clean up efforts need technology 2002-02-04
Priority should be given to the introduction of advanced foreign techniques when China seeks international co-operation in environmental protection, a senior Chinese official said.

Myopic 'green' eyes should open 2002-01-29
The latest statistics released by the State Environmental Protection Administration did not unveil an encouraging picture for the country's environmental situation.

Living museum to save heritage 2002-01-25
Blocked from the outside world by mountain ranges for more than 600 years, Longli - a compact community of Han people in Southwest China's Guizhou Province - has become China's third living museum.

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