
  April 30,2002  
CHINAGATE.OPINION.Rural development    
Macro economy  
Private economy  
Social security  
Rural development  
Urban development  
Giving privileges to rich people hurts social justice 2006-08-21
A number of new events are worth our attention.

Fighting income disparity 2006-08-02
While urban investment pushed the economy onto a track of double-digit growth in the first half of the year, short-term prospects for the countryside are not encouraging.

Fewer officials benefits farmers 2006-07-31
The dissolution and merger of townships is an important part of rural reform. Individual influences should not get in the way of its implementation, says an article in China Economic Times.

No excuse for fund abuse 2006-07-11
The training of rural labourers has been listed as one of the key government projects for poverty alleviation since 2004.

Tackle real issues in countryside 2006-06-13
Lots of people have recently been discussing the concept of building a "new socialist countryside," which was put forward by the central government late last year.

Trips must not be junkets 2006-06-13
China may send 30,000 officials to the Republic of Korea (ROK) to study its experiences in revitalizing rural areas, ROK sources were cited as saying.

Long-term efforts needed 2006-04-26
The drive to build a new countryside began months ago. The leadership and academics are now warning of the possible challenges in the implementation process.

Projects to give farmers more fitness choices 2006-04-04
Interviewing people from local communities and researching their sporting interests, finding venues for their activities and co-ordinating the building of new ones  it would be reasonable to consider this the work of a whole team.

Campaign gives rural areas sporting chance 2006-03-31
Up at the crack of dawn, and not home until the sun comes down. Such is life in rural China.

Improve countryside by co-ordinated action 2006-03-16
The curtain has gone down on the annual session of the National People's Congress, but people remain excited about the hot topics on the meeting's agenda. These include scrapping agricultural taxes and waiving tuition fees for rural children in their nine-year compulsory education.

'Involve farmers in rural spending' 2006-03-09
Farmers should have more say in the use of massive amounts of funds allocated for rural revival, a top planner said yesterday.

Let farmers' voices be heard 2006-02-28
Farmers' voices should be valued in the building of a new socialist countryside, says a signed article in China Youth Daily. An excerpt follows:

Productivity key to rural advancement 2006-02-27
Despite having lived and worked in some of the largest cities in the world for nearly 30 years, I am still in the habit of reading about the countryside. Some colleagues even call me old-fashioned.

Rural finance needs solid mechanism 2006-02-24
Transforming the nation's vast rural area into a "new countryside" requires all-out efforts from the Chinese Government. Of these new efforts, a huge increase in fiscal support is not only what farmers most need, but also what policy-makers are best placed to deliver.

Rural rebuilding needs wide support 2006-02-22
When President and Communist Party General Secretary Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao appeared on TV screens weeks ago celebrating Lunar New Year with ordinary farmers, it was indeed symbolic.

Urbanization changes Chinese rural family life 2005-12-13
When the clock strikes six, Wang Shuhong leaves home for exercise in a park, while her lodgers, a middle-aged Korean couple, are doing housework for her. This has been her morning routine over the past two months.

A shot in the arm for struggling farmers 2005-08-12
The State Council's decision to double its subsidies for rural medical insurance is good news for the country's more than 700 million rural residents.

Fixing rural medical system 2005-07-06
The co-operative medical system, part of the government's drive to offer medical services to rural communities, still faces several major problems.

Boosting rural demand crucial to sustainable growth 2004-06-09
"Heated economy" is the most frequently seen phrase these days in China's media reports, assessing the cost of the country's rapid but unbridled economic growth.

Newspaper editorial on China's document on raising farmers' income 2004-02-08
The People's Daily, a leading newspaper in China, is to publish an editorial Monday highlightingthe importance of helping the country's 900 million farmers raise their incomes.

Rural areas need innovative financing 2003-11-12
At a forum on agricultural financing which opened Monday in Beijing, domestic experts and government officials claimed that a shortage of capital is the biggest problem in China's agricultural development.

Rural reform bumpy, but promising 2003-10-14
The new Party leadership has resolved to tackle issues concerning agriculture, rural areas and farmers since it came into power late last year. Experts agreed at a recent seminar that efforts should be made from a macro-economic perspective rather than within rural economy itself, and farmers' employment in non-agricultural sectors is the key to achieve a prosperous rural economy in Central China and policy adjustments need to be taken to boost western development.

China should adopt new strategy to urbanize massive rural areas 2003-10-14
China is facing a tough task to resolve the problems brought by a dual structure in its economy to sustain long term stable growth as it moves from a planned to a market economy.

China looks to reform of its rural economy 2003-09-29
China is restructuring its rural financial system in order to promote sustainable economic development in the countryside, officials said over the weekend in Beijing.

Farm economy needs attention 2003-09-26
China must accelerate the development of its agriculture and rural economy to maintain balanced national economic growth, a senior central banker said yesterday.

Protecting farmers' interests 2003-09-25
Farmers' interests should be better protected during the process of urbanization, experts urged in a forum on Urbanization and Land Policy held by Shanghai Academy of Social Science last week in Shanghai.

China's rural education achieves great development 2003-07-21
Schooling for people aged 15 and older in rural China has climbed from 4.7 years to 6.85 years, marking a noticeable leap in the country's efforts to reduce rural illiteracy.

New prescription for rural health 2003-06-10
Public health services in rural areas should not be completely dominated by the free market. A support system for farmers is indispensable.

Striving to lighten farmers' burdens 2003-04-08
The first plenary meeting of the 10th National People's Congress (NPC) - in which China's new leaders, including President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao, were named - concluded on March 18.

NPC gets to grips with farmer issues 2003-03-04
Uplifting the farmers' livelihood is expected to remain a central topic for national legislators and political advisers as they gather this week in Beijing, officials and analysts said yesterday.

Farmers deserve fairer treatment 2003-02-20
The living standards of Chinese people have greatly upgraded since the nation began its reform and opening-up drive more than two decades ago. However, statistics show that there is a big income gap between urban and rural populations and the disparities are still growing. In order to achieve a more balanced economy, the State should take urgent measures to provide more opportunities for farmers to catch up with their city counterparts.

Rural-to-town labour force on the rise 2003-01-23
The ranks of workers migrating from rural areas swelled to 94 million last year, up 4.7 million over 2001, according to statistics released by the Ministry of Agriculture.

Protect farmers' land-use rights 2003-01-14
Farmers' interests should be fully guaranteed in the land system. The three main agriculture-related issues - the countryside, farmers and farming - have captured the attention of the governments at all levels. Promoting the industrialized development of agriculture, transferring the rural surplus labour force and increasing farmers' incomes all involve the management of land-use rights.

Improve rural China for a more affluent nation 2003-01-10
To a country where farmers make up more than half of the population, rural prosperity and the well-being of farmers carries prominent weight in China's overall development blueprint.

Farmers' income growth vital for sector 2002-12-25
Despite a generally sound situation, some problems in agricultural development should arouse the government's attention.

Tough way ahead to improve rural economy 2002-12-13
China's agricultural and rural economies continue to face stubborn problems, even though the country has made progress in improving the environment for rural economic development, said Jiang Changyun of the Institute of Macroeconomy under the State Development Planning Commission.

Taxation reform benefits Chinese farmers 2002-11-28
The taxes and fees imposed on 620 million of China's rural population were slashed this year by 30 billion yuan (US$3.6 billion), a year-on-year drop of about 30 percent, thanks to an ongoing reform of transforming administrative fees into taxes in rural areas.

Rural market failing to spur domestic demand 2002-08-20
China's rural market has failed to stimulate domestic demand, despite its huge potential consumer base.

Financial reform of townships urgent 2002-08-13
Despite efforts by the central government to relieve farmers' burdens, irrational fee collection still runs rampant in rural areas.

Reform critical for rural residents 2002-07-01
Problems of the rural economy, which is centred on the slowing of increases in farmer incomes, can find their roots in the national economy. Without proper macroeconomic reforms, the issues will not be effectively dealt with.

State cash urged to fund rural education 2002-06-26

Spare a moment for the heart of China 2002-05-28
The central government is pinning its hope on the rural areas' fee-to-tax reform to reduce farmers' financial burdens and help increase their incomes.

Farmers' food for thought 2002-05-28
It's an irony. China has traditionally been an agricultural country and three-fourths of its population depend on agriculture even today. But its agricultural industry is still weak, plagued by backward technology and low productivity.

Quashing hukou won't lead to farmer exodus 2002-05-27
The relaxation of the rigid household registration system -- called hukou -- in some cities hasn't sent rural people rushing into urban areas nor would its abolition prompt them to do so, say leading labour science experts.

Rural labourers need urbanization 2002-05-20
The transfer of redundant rural labour to non-farming sectors will be the ultimate way to ensure sustainable and healthy growth of the economy.

Sprawling rural highroads leading farmers to wealth 2002-05-15
China will accelerate rural highway construction to bring farmers closer to outside markets and raise their incomes, an official said in Taiyuan at a symposium.

Better laws needed to help rural areas cope with WTO entry 2002-04-29
China should strengthen its legal system to assist backward rural areas to adapt to the entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO), a legal expert said in Beijing Sunday.

Calls to boost farmers' coffers 2002-03-19
At the ongoing Fifth Session of the Ninth National People's Congress (NPC), calls are growing for a stronger impetus to China's non-farming sectors to spur on the incomes of farmers which have been relatively stagnant over the past few years.

Legislators criticize farm fees burden 2002-03-11
Xu Yanlian, a legislator from East China's Jiangxi Province, said at the weekend that about one-seventh of her annual income is spent on various fees that she and other rural residents are charged.

Relocation for farmers faces snags 2002-01-08
Hunan, the hometown of the revolutionary leader Mao Zedong (1893-1976) in Central China, is eyewitnessing another revolution.

Raising of farmers' income urgent 2001-12-11
The development of China's agriculture industry has entered into a new phase as the era of undersupply has gone.

Farm reform crucial after WTO entry 2001-11-20
The ongoing trial development of rural co-operatives might result in a restructuring of the administrative system in the Chinese countryside, say officials and leading agricultural economists.

Rural surplus labour destined for towns to aid urbanization 2001-09-29
Senior agriculture and rural development researchers suggest local governments should make more of an effort to channel surplus rural labour into small towns.

Rural tax reform still demands adjusting 2001-09-07
The reform of China's rural taxation system achieved remarkable success last year, but many pitfalls still lie ahead, an article in the Beijing-based Macroeconomics magazine said.

Economy demands rural strategy 2001-08-20
Experts say boosting rural economy, and, in turn, increase domestic demand is a wise way to follow.

WTO entry propels rural reform 2001-07-24
China's impending accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) will bring benefits to Chinese farmers by forcing the reform of the agricultural sector, according to industry experts.

Developing secondary and tertiary industries, promoting rural urbanization 2001-03-28
Developing secondary and tertiary industries, promoting rural urbanization and gradually transferring surplus agricultural labor force are the objective needs for making full use of abundant rural labor resources and increasing farmers' income through various channels.

Measures proposed to transfer redundant rural laborers 2001-03-13
A lawmaker from northeast China's Heilongjiang Province has proposed solving the problem of redundant rural laborers via industrial transfer and regional transfer.

China's rural enterprises face strong competition 2000-11-09
A Chinese official has said that China's entry into the WTO would bring daunting challenges as well as welcome opportunities to the country's rural and township enterprises, which are a major engine behind the economy.

Experts say rural people need more training 2000-09-20
China should intensify effort to train its rural population in the coming years, said experts who were participating in an international seminar on the results of the recent agricultural centers.

Changes set to boost farming incomes 2000-09-04
China is launching a drive to halt the falling farming incomes which have followed rural expansion.

Rural pensions need even hand 2000-07-25
To ensure adequate support for older people in rural areas, we need steady government policies across the country and good management of pension funds.

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