
  April 30,2002  
Macro economy  
Private economy  
Social security  
Rural development  
Urban development  
Stop illegal land transfers 2006-09-07
The State Council on Tuesday issued new rules in a new effort to stem illegal land transfers, which are believed to have fuelled the country's runaway investment.

Procedural justice 2006-09-06
The amended procedural regulations on the handling of administrative cases took effect by the end of last month.

Consistency in policies 2006-08-30
A law prohibits the collection of a fee, but the levy continues in reality. It sounds absurd, at least.

Law amendment a must 2006-08-30
An official from the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) called last week for amending the current Environmental Protection Law.

A welcome legislation 2006-08-29
The adoption of an all-inclusive bankruptcy law is of great and far-reaching significance to the establishment and development of China's market economy.

A positive new law, but more should be done 2006-08-22
Against the backdrop of recent controversial mergers, the Ministry of Commerce has released a provisional rule on foreign investors' takeover of domestic enterprises, marking the authorities' efforts to better regulate such acquisitions.

New governing ideal 2006-08-15
New regulations for the resettlement and compensation of residents displaced because of the construction of hydropower and irrigation projects will take effect on September 1.

Resolve wage defaults through legislation 2006-08-07
Institutional construction is important to prevent new wage defaults, commented an article in Workers' Daily.

Public has role in drafting rules 2006-07-17
It is important to provide legal guarantees for public participation in the drafting of government regulations, says a signed article in China Youth Daily.

Law must be duly enforced 2006-06-28
The anti-monopoly law should grant its enforcement organization a clear status, says a commentary in Southern Metropolis Daily.

Important legislation 2006-06-26
It is encouraging that legislative work on China's long-awaited anti-monopoly law is proceeding as scheduled.

Strengthen law enforcement 2006-06-12
Strict law enforcement is the most important factor in breaking monopolies, says a commentary in Southern Metropolis Daily.

Take the law seriously 2006-06-06
China released its environment white paper yesterday, highlighting the nation's persistent efforts in environmental protection in the past decade and the daunting tasks required to improve the situation in the decades to come.

Monopoly law has holes 2006-05-16
Labour regulators said the average salary of monopolized sectors is 7.52 times that of the lowest level of normal industries and the gap is widening, stoking the public fire against monopolies.

Unite against corruption 2006-04-24
It is good news that representatives from around the world have agreed to establish an international federation of anti-corruption bureau.

Efforts against piracy 2006-04-20
Views can be starkly different even if they are about the same thing.

People must be mindful of law and order 2006-04-20
I have seen a film and read a best-selling novel about tornadoes in the Midwest of the United States.

Big debate on major projects 2006-04-03
The public should be given the chance to participate in the decision-making process on key projects, says a signed article in Workers' Daily. An excerpt follows:

Mass line for legislation 2006-03-27
Public participation in legislation is beneficial, says a signed article in Xiaoxiang Morning Post. An excerpt follows:

Security laws tackle most sensitive issues 2006-03-02
The Law on Penalties in Public Security Administration was a major media story when it was enacted six months ago, and it was very much in the spotlight yesterday when it came into effect.

Patent Law reform set in motion 2005-11-24
China's Patent Law will see its third round of changes as the country seeks to iron out problems in the legislation and patent system a move that is being called "imperative," and timely.

Watchdog will be free to bite hand that feeds 2005-10-14
"If men were angels, no government would be necessary," said the fourth President of the United States of America, James Madison. No government can govern the people properly without the rule of law. This rule of law undergoes changes with changing times, and that is exactly what is happening at a rapid pace in China today, especially in the criminal justice system.

Officials should open to media 2005-09-21
Some local governments' relentless efforts to put a lid on so-called "negative coverage" in the media are essentially creating an open confrontation with public supervision, says an article in the Beijing News, an excerpt of which follows:

Keeping policy-making process transparent 2005-09-14
China should make efforts to establish a democratic and scientific policy-making system at different levels within the government.

Tackle illegal documents 2005-08-29
Efforts should be made to eliminate illegal government documents, says an article in China Business Times. An excerpt follows:

Laws are not made to be broken 2005-08-05
Yet more devastating coal mine blasts have rocked the country, bringing misery to impoverished industrial communities.

Law on migrant workers' interest 2005-07-22
Vulnerable migrant workers should be protected by law so they no longer have to struggle to have their salary paid in full and on time, says an article in Oriental Morning Post. An excerpt follows:

Make the rich willing givers 2005-04-15
A complete set of laws and regulations must be put into place to encourage more rich people to join China's philanthropic sector, says an article in Nanfang Metropolis Daily.

Farmers show all are equal in front of the law 2005-03-24
A group of farmers from Wuxi, East China's Jiangsu Province, won a lawsuit against the Ministry of Land and Resources recently. The Beijing No 1 Intermediate People's Court ruled last Friday that the ministry should consider the farmers' applications and rethink its approval of a local land requisition case.

Food safety deserves more guarantee 2005-03-16
Marked worldwide for its consumer rights awareness, March 15 is a day China should take more note of seeing as the nation is vulnerable in the domestic market, according to watchdogs.

New laws will help build quality firms 2005-03-02
Management scholars used to say that companies change society. But in China it works the other way round. It is the increasingly open and creative society that leads to changes in companies.

Participation crucial to law's drafting 2005-01-28
Various media recently reported Chinese lawmakers are stepping up efforts to draft and implement legislation aimed at eliminating and preventing monopolies.

Notarization system plays important role 2004-12-29
The notarization system is an integral part of China's judicial system. The system, which first appeared in the 1940s, and boomed in the following decade, was dismantled during the "cultural revolution" (1966-76).

Crack down on copyright cheats 2004-11-22
Copyright protection in China has made some progress since 2001, when the country amended its Copyright Law and joined the World Trade Organization.

Time ripe to levy inheritance tax 2004-11-03
Chinese citizens' income has increased dramatically over the past 20-odd years, coupled with the country's extraordinary economic progress. Some experts are therefore contemplating a new question regarding private property: should an inheritance tax be levied?

mproving legislation quality 2004-09-27
China's law-makers have shifted their emphasis from quantity to quality in recent years, a change that is especially evident after the Chinese Communist Party's 16th National Congress.

Foreign law firms call for more freedom 2004-09-23
Foreign law firms working in China are asking for a more open legal service market.

Stopping fake medical ads 2004-08-25
Fabricated commercials about medical treatments should be ascertained with criminal punishment doled out to discipline the medical market and safeguard health, says an article in Beijing News. An excerpt follows:

Protecting trademarks in China 2004-08-11
China has been revising its trademark laws and regulations to bring them more in line with WTO (World Trade Organization) rules and to provide companies with a better business environment with regard to intellectual property protection.

Anti-monopoly law crucial for consumers 2004-07-12
The passage of the anti-monopoly law should be accelerated to better protect China's booming consumer market.

Information must flow freely 2004-07-02
Information symmetry, a condition in which all relevant information is known to all parties involved, is a prerequisite for the smooth operation of a political system.

Transparency to help stop misuse of funds 2004-06-25
By any standards, Wednesday's report by Auditor-General Li Jinhua to the National People's Congress Standing Committee was a shocking revelation of the scope and extent of official misconduct in the use of public money.

Legislation review panel to smooth legal bumps 2004-06-21
The National People's Congress created a special panel under its Legal Affairs Committee last month to take charge of legislation review.

No profit for gov't 2004-06-11
Local governments should function for the benefit of the public; they should not, under the excuse of "operating cities," take advantage of their positions to seek profits from commercial activities, according to an editorial in China Economics Times. An expert follows:

Mooted anti-monopoly law 'to benefit all businesses' 2004-06-02
Domestic and foreign-invested businesses will benefit from China's future anti-monopoly legislation, a senior legislative official said yesterday.

People's monitoring to prevent 'image projects' 2004-05-25
The authorities mean business this time. They are in the midst of a new, zero-tolerance campaign aimed at cracking down on illegal land use and violations of State laws on construction.

Profits from ticket sales lucrative but carry risk 2004-05-24
In a country where most gambling is illegal, the lottery business in China gives ordinary folk like Yang Yongming a chance of fulfilling their dreams of becoming rich.

Cultural differences needs to be considered in commercial arbitration 2004-05-19
International commercial arbitration needs to consider culture differences, William Slate, chairman of the American Arbitration Association, said in Beijing Tuesday.

Arbitration sector to play greater role 2004-05-18
China's fast-growing economy and increasing integration into the global market are prompting the need for the arbitration sector to play a greater role, said Ren Jianxin, honorary deputy director of the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC).

China's IPR protection efforts praised 2004-04-21
 Wang Ming, 34, a pirated disc peddler, is considering a big change of career.
"I can't live," he exclaimed.

Cancellation of decree an encouraging sign 2004-04-20
A draft regulation by the Beijing municipal government was cancelled recently because of public opposition after it was posted on the government website to solicit citizens' input.

'Social corruption' warrants tighter legislation 2004-04-13
Lucent Technologies recently removed the president, chief operating officer, a marketing executive and a finance manager of its China operations for their roles in a suspected bribery case, or for "internal control deficiencies," as the company chose to word the incident in a filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission.

Law revision an imperative 2004-04-08
Few Chinese laws as young as the five-year-old Securities Law are in such an urgent need of revision, nor have they aroused such extensive public attention.

NPC exercising a solemn responsibility 2004-04-05
The Standing Committee of the 10th National People's Congress (NPC) is reviewing draft interpretations on provisions in the Basic Law annexes. The NPC Standing Committee, with a high sense of responsibility, is exercising its solemn duty entrusted by the Constitution and the Basic Law in response to the objective requirements of comprehensive implementation of the Basic Law.

Placing parameters on administrative justice 2004-04-01
The Supreme People's Court this week issued a notice requiring local courts to maintain impartiality in hearing administrative cases.

Experts: Laws must specify rights 2004-03-31
China's new amendment to the Constitution, which highlights the protection of individuals' rights, needs more specific legislation to support the concepts it outlines, legal and economic scholars say.

Amendment highlights common citizens' rights 2004-03-22
The most crucial essence of China's recent constitutional revision is to enhance the economic and political rights of citizens, which limits the arbitrary power of the government.

New reins make gov't more accountable 2004-03-15
The implementation of administrative accountability is expected to gain momentum in China, as the country intensifies its efforts to "hold those who exercise power accountable," legislators and academics said yesterday in Beijing.

Congress hails constitutional changes 2004-03-15
China's top legislature closed its annual session yesterday after endorsing landmark amendments to the Constitution, which highlight the protection of private property and enshrine human rights.

Legislative quality key to rule of law 2004-03-11
Chinese legislators should always keep people's interests in mind if they are determined to improve the quality of laws, said legal experts and legislative officials.

Constitutional revision requires law adjustment 2004-03-08
China's Constitution seems certain to be revised, but tremendous work needs to be done to realize the constitutional rights stressed or newly added.

Legislators focus on people's needs 2004-03-08
Chinese legislators are focusing on issues that affect people and co-ordinated social development, the motions proposed by deputies to the 10th National People's Congress (NPC) have indicated.

Cutting through red tape 2004-03-03
In recent months one job has become a focal point on the agenda of government officials: sorting out the myriad of stamps.

'One country' guarantees HK stability 2004-02-23
The "one country, two systems" principle should be correctly and comprehensively understood and should not be deliberately misrepresented, a signed article published by the Xinhua News Agency said yesterday.

What they are saying 2004-02-17
GDP not  the only goal
A new evaluation mechanism for officials' performance must be established to ensure balanced social and economic development, according to an article in People's Daily. An excerpt follows:

Blueprint to cope with crises 2004-02-04
In the draft constitutional amendments that passed preliminary review by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) last month, one term is worth noting: state of emergency.

News analysis: China's Constitution amendments to have far-reaching influence 2003-12-28
Constitutional revisions are meant to regularize the valuable experience of China's reform and opening-up, and to bring it in line with the common ideology of the nation, said Pang Xianzhi, a constitutional expert of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

Protect farmers' land use rights 2003-11-24
The transfer of farmers' rights to use contracted land should be better regulated to protect their interests.

Why litigate? Try arbitration 2003-11-20
GUANGZHOU: Arbitration, seen as an effective and efficient way of settling disputes while allowing aggrieved parties to stay out of court, is gaining rapid popularity in China.

Making nation competitive 2003-11-12
China must first liberalize its domestic market and establish a comprehensive legal system if it wants to increase the competitiveness of the nation's service industries.

Supervision system vital 2003-11-12
Speculation has run rampant in the media ever since Tian Fengshan, former minister of land and resources, was removed from the post last month.

Laws should reflect market economy 2003-10-27
Improving China's market economy related legal framework is a must for the maturity of the country's nascent mar-ket economy, according to a signed article in Beijing-based magazine China Newsweek.

US expert passes judgment on courts 2003-10-21
Perseverance and patience are needed to reform a nation's judicial system, especially in a country developing as rapidly as China.

New law to help streamline licensing 2003-09-01
A senior legislative official yesterday asserted that the new Law on Administrative Licensing will be a great help in China's efforts to build a market economy and check corruption.

Law defines gov't licensing role 2003-08-28
The passing of the Law on Administrative Licences yesterday may help outline the government's role more clearly.

Laws bring clarity on State assets 2003-08-27
[Vivienne Bath is a partner of Coudert Brothers' Sydney office and a member of the China Practice Group.]
Last year and this year have seen a number of important legislative and organizational steps taken by the Chinese authorities in dealing with State-owned assets and State-owned enterprises.

New law to safeguard ecosystem 2003-08-27
It is believed that the imminent implementation of the law on environmental impact assessment is expected to give China the tools to ensure that environmental and ecological concerns are not lost sight of in the designing and carrying out of projects or regional development plans.

Judiciary sets itself for battle 2003-08-26
Supreme People's Court President Xiao Yang's latest call for justice and efficiency demonstrates his resolve to improve the current judicial practices.

Ending rural irregularities 2003-08-21
At a time when big cities are erecting luxurious court buildings to showcase the "rule of law," a county in Northwest China's Shanxi Province seems to have come closer to sorting out legal priorities.

Editorial: Governance needs improvement 2003-08-14
A rational division of power is the keystone to the supervision and regulation of public governance.

Democracy brings efficiency too 2003-07-17
Introducing more democracy in legislation may bring efficiency in the end.
Beijing and South China's Guangdong Province have both tried to regulate the treatment of wild animals in starkly different ways this year.

Arguments against harassment law groundless 2003-07-11
The recent batch of sexual harassment cases in the country has fuelled debate over whether or not it is the right time to legislate on the matter.

New measures needed for real estate growth 2003-07-08
Heated debate has arisen in financial markets after the People's Bank of China (PBOC) issued a circular last month about tightening control on real estate loans.

Beijing's new residence policies a sign of progress 2003-07-07
Beijing, a megalopolis, is taking a neutral approach on the choice to lift the household registration system or keep it intact.

Public hearing on price not a final cure 2003-07-07
The public hearing on the price adjustment scheme for domestic airlines, which was set to open in April but was delayed because of SARS, has been re-scheduled for July 15.

Tighten control aimed to ensure loan security 2003-07-07
The central bank's move to tighten controls over loans to the real estate industry will be greatly conducive to the safety of the banking sector.

Justice seen to be done 2003-07-05
External scrutiny is indispensable to rein in judicial organs and uphold justice, said an Economic Daily article. An excerpt follows:Recently, two pieces of news relating to the courts system caught the public's attention.

Thorny issue for lawmakers 2003-07-01
The latest batch of sexual harassment cases in China have stirred controversy over the strength of the nation's current legislation for protecting victims from such concerns.

China's ID card law shows care for citizens, law experts 2003-06-28
China's top legislature, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), passed overwhelmingly the law of citizen identification card Saturday.

China's top legislator urges increased awareness of China's laws 2003-06-28
China's top legislator Wu Bangguo said here Saturday that laws, rather than being regarded as simply words on paper, should be strictly respected and enforced as the basis for governing the country according to the rule of law.

Personal details need protection 2003-06-27
The fourth draft of the law on citizens' identity cards is being examined at the ongoing session of the Standing Committee of the 10th Chinese National People's Congress, which started on Monday.

Congress make-up needs adjusting 2003-06-24
The composition of the National People's Congress, China's highest legislative body, should be readjusted to cater to the new economic and social situation.

Lawyers: Victims deserve more 2003-06-23
Legal experts in China have called for the amendment of the nine-year-old Law on State Compensation to guarantee that victims of State infringement actions will be reimbursed for losses.

Work needed on judicial system 2003-06-23
A national inspection campaign aimed at improving fairness and efficiency in the judicial system started on Friday. It emphasizes four major tasks: improving jurisprudence; correcting ways of working; improving efficiency; and examining judges' behaviour.

Dangerous workplaces face new penalties 2003-06-18
China needs to improve its legal system and carry out more inspections to improve its workplace safety record, a senior official said yesterday.

Backward cities find ways to go forward 2003-03-18
We all know that large and booming Chinese metropolises such as Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou are basking in the spotlight. What isn't so well promoted are economically underdeveloped cities which are working quietly on ways to build greater prosperity.

Bankruptcy laws need review 2003-03-17
The country is in urgent need of a new bankruptcy law to ensure that failed non-State-owned enterprises can, where viable, continue to trade and also to better protect the interests of their creditors.

Deputy of NPC urges Corporate Law changes 2003-03-07
China's Corporate Law is in desperate need of changes to adapt to the needs of the market economy, deputies to the ongoing National People's Congress session urged.

Protecting private property rights 2003-02-20
The Ninth National People's Congress (NPC) has made legislative history by giving unprecedented protection to private property.

Fair rules on biz disputes 2003-02-11
A plan is underway to revise the Arbitration Law to make China more business-friendly and more amicable for arbitration seekers.

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