
  April 30,2002  
Macro economy  
Private economy  
Social security  
Rural development  
Urban development  
Be realistic about plan 2006-08-25
Recent years have seen much discussion about greater economic integration in East Asia.

Champions from China 2006-08-22
China's rise as a world economic power is largely powered by the emergence of Chinese champion enterprises.

The rightful criteria for a good company 2006-08-22
Ask a mainland business leader what his biggest ambition is, and he is likely to say, at least in public, that he wants his company to make it into one of those world-wide corporate ranking lists.

Unions a good first step 2006-08-10
Wal-Mart's agreement to drop its worldwide rejection of unions in all of its Chinese outlets undoubtedly gives the country's union leaders a much-needed shot in the arm.

China, Japan should seek stronger trade ties 2006-08-10
The relationship between China and Japan exercises a profound influence on the present and future of Asia and has worldwide impact as well, apart from being vitally important to the two countries themselves.

Put advertising in order 2006-08-04
Television and radio commercials for five different categories of products were banned across China on Tuesday.

War on graft still young 2006-08-02
The newly published results of China ongoing fight against commercial bribery can surely serve as an effective deterrent to potential bribe takers.

Partnership benefits EU, China 2006-07-18
At the time when Finland has taken over the EU Presidency as of July 1, EU-China relations have grown very important for both sides.

Stepping up piracy fight 2006-07-17
While trade officials from Western countries grumble about intellectual property rights (IPR) violations in China, they have to acknowledge that the country is becoming increasingly tougher towards wrongdoers in this regard.

Save trade talks at summit 2006-07-14
After rounds of failed ministerial talks, it is time for top leaders of the major trading nations to weigh in to salvage the global trade talks, which are on the brink of collapse.

Rethink trade surplus 2006-07-12
A surprisingly steep rise in China's trade surplus necessitates a thorough review of the country's trade growth.

Textile plan pertinent 2006-06-29
The newly released five-year development plan for the textile industry rightly points out the direction of  its growth.

Change trade pattern 2006-06-15
A swelling trade surplus is currently neither what Chinese policy-makers expect nor what they want.

Stores should take some of the stress out of shopping 2006-06-06
The government has been trying for some years to get Chinese people to spend more of their savings. This is good for a country that is seen to be over-reliant on the external sector for growth.

Are big-box stores truly a blessing? 2006-05-26
Is Wal-Mart a good thing?

Chinese traders should have level playing field 2006-05-25
The World Trade Organization (WTO) recently released its statistical report on global anti-dumping cases in the second half of 2005.

Shoe makers take strides 2006-05-22
The recently signed Chongqing manifesto by major Chinese footwear exporters is a sign that they are learning to take a more constructive approach toward anti-dumping pressures.

Break up monopolies 2006-05-19
The news that employees in monopoly sectors enjoy much higher salaries than their counterparts in other sectors will be an issue for some time, given the rising anti-monopoly sentiment nationwide.

Are Americans losing booming China market? 2006-05-18
The United States' economy is four times that of Japan, but the former's exports to China are only half of the latter.

A fake story with real moral value 2006-05-12
As he held a photograph of a red Ferrari two weeks ago, EU Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security Franco Frattini screamed: "Look at this car. Of this model, Ferrari has produced only six cars.

Survey: Businesses want better gov't service 2006-04-27
Complex work procedures, inefficiency and lack of enthusiasm among staff are the major complaints against government departments and utilities providers in Guangdong Province, according to a survey among local businesses.

Good reasons for China's trade surplus 2006-04-26
According to statistics from the Ministry of Commerce, China's trade surplus in March amounted to US$11.19 billion, up 98.5 per cent on the previous month.

Online buyers evoke some soul-searching 2006-04-21
It may be true that fire cannot burn it, water cannot wet it, wind cannot dry it, and earth cannot bury it.

Broadened investment 2006-04-20
Chinese investors will no longer be confined to limited domestic investment channels following the release of new rules that allow commercial banks to invest overseas on behalf of their clients.

Put an end to double-dealing 2006-04-19
Enterprises should not cite international practices that are in their favour while ignoring those that protect consumers' interests, says a signed article in Guangzhou Daily. An excerpt follows:

China, US complement each other in trade 2006-04-18
Since the beginning of this century, bilateral trade between China and the United States has risen rapidly, benefiting both sides.

Economics of shirts, jets 2006-04-13
How many shirts does China have to sell to make the money for 80 Boeing jets?

Customers need a little respect and space 2006-04-13
My friend  a professor of journalism with the University of Iowa  has decided to replace the carpet in her bedrooms with wooden floorboards and has chosen Branchini Hardwood Flooring in Iowa City to do the job.

IPRs 'not a factor' behind trade surplus 2006-04-12
Senior officials of ministries and agencies directly dealing with intellectual property rights (IPR) were at a press conference yesterday to address questions on China's IPR protection  but Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai ended up doing most of the answering.

EU duties will not help its shoe industry 2006-03-24
The decision of the European Union to impose anti-dumping duties on Chinese shoes will not save local shoemakers from increasingly fierce competition but will rather hurt Chinese counterparts unfairly.

Trade frictions result of US savings shortfall 2006-03-23
The economic relationship between the United States and China could well be the world's most important bilateral relationship of the 21st century. And it's not going well. The stresses and strains of globalization have added considerable tension to the interplay.

US official upbeat on trade ties with China 2006-03-22
A senior US trade official said that he is optimistic about Sino-US trade relations but also realistic about the challenges they face.

Trademark game an unhealthy drug habit 2006-03-17
When a patient takes medicine, it can be a matter of life and death. Unfortunately, not all producers of the drugs seem concerned, treating it as nothing more than a game to score easy profits.

EU should put itself in consumers' shoes 2006-03-16
The recent fact-finding tour to China by trade officials from the European Union (EU) marks a necessary but overdue step towards settling the anti-dumping dispute over Chinese shoe exports.

Ever-widening trade surplus cuts both ways 2006-02-15
A stronger currency presupposes competitive trade. But at the moment, a soaring trade surplus is frustrating China's efforts to make its foreign exchange regime more flexible and international payments more balanced.

Consumer fever should extend beyond holidays 2006-02-06
China's potential clout as a strong consumer market was most evident during  Spring Festival, the Chinese Lunar New Year.

Diversify foreign trade channels 2006-01-23
China's foreign trade has been hyperactive over the past year. Trade volume grew by 23.2 per cent year-on-year  the fourth consecutive year with a growth rate exceeding 20 per cent.

Range of foreign reserve investment to be widened 2006-01-18
A State Administration of Foreign Exchange spokesman was quoted as saying that this year the currency and asset structure of China's foreign exchange reserve will be optimized and the scope of investment using foreign exchange reserves will be expanded.

Africa starting to rise in partnership with China 2006-01-13
Africa currently represents just over 1 per cent of world trade. This share in world trade volume is much lower than what it was in the 1960s and 1970s when most countries on the continent became independent.

Time to develop a Chinese auto brand 2005-12-28
Companies with powerful brand names are benefiting the most from globalization. This is particularly true in the auto industry.

China to play bigger role in talks 2005-12-14
Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai said yesterday that he expects the sixth WTO ministerial meeting to achieve progress in bringing more benefits to developing countries, adding that China was ready to make a mark in framing global trade rules.

Japanese policies harm trade ties with China 2005-12-05
While domestic politics in Japan is tilting increasingly to the right, the country's policy towards China is starting to resemble the situation before 1972 when Sino-Japanese relations were normalized.

Confusing statistics hide Sino-US trade reality 2005-11-23
The US Department of Commerce on November 10 forecast that its trade deficit with China will reach an astonishing US$200 billion by the end of this year. Rob Portman, the US trade representative, also pinpointed the deficit at that figure, about US$40 billion more than 2004, at a press conference last week.

China, US reach pact on textiles 2005-11-10
Chinese exporters heaved a sigh of relief yesterday after a long-simmering textile dispute with the United States was resolved with a three-year agreement on quotas.

Old Silk Road traders must resolve dispute 2005-10-18
"Did you come to Turkey to buy marble?" That's the question, both in Chinese and in English, that appears on a number of billboards at Istanbul International Airport.

We cannot afford such wastefulness 2005-09-28
More than a week has passed since this year's Mid-Autumn Festival but I am still enjoying the exquisite flavour of mooncakes. It is not that I received too many gift boxes of the sweet, oily food. I bought the cakes I have loved to devour since my childhood - but at discount prices.

Exporting top spot still only a dream 2005-09-22
In its first Economic Survey of China issued last Friday, the OECD said China could overtake the United States and Germany to become the world's largest exporter by 2010.

Price cuts help industry compete and flourish 2005-09-22
Price cuts are always good news for consumers, but they may reduce the profit levels of enterprises. How should policy-makers choose between the pros and cons?

Conservatism leads to US trade deficit 2005-09-06
Editor's note: At a seminar sponsored by China Daily last week, leading researchers analyzed current Sino-US relations and offered their opinions on how the future visit to the United States by President Hu Jintao will further strengthen bilateral ties. The following are some of their thoughts:

China, EU striving for agreement on textiles 2005-09-05
China and the European Union (EU) early this morning were still discussing an agreement to solve the problem concerning millions of items of China-made textile products being blocked in the ports of EU countries.

Sino-US textile talks stop at red light 2005-09-05
The unscheduled third day of textile talks between China and the United States failed to yield a long-expected agreement.

Poor brand awareness hinders firms 2005-07-29
"Who's Afraid of China Inc?" a July 24 article in the New York Times asked in a headline.

DPP's ideology hinders fruit trade 2005-07-28
Today's talks proposed by Beijing on tariff-free imports for 15 categories of Taiwanese fruits failed to take place because of Taipei's refusal to send envoys to the mainland.

Sino-US trade spats affect world 2005-07-22
Dealing with trade friction between China and the United States in a proper way is not only vital to both countries' economic interests but will also have an impact on globalization.

FTA to propel regional economy 2005-07-19
China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) are taking a tangible step towards creating the world's most populous free trade area (FTA).

Enterprises should know trade pact rules 2005-07-12
From July 20, China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) are scheduled to lower tariffs on more than 7,000 industrial goods.

Time limit for franchise 2005-07-11
More experiences and skills are needed to improve the management of urban public services, says an article in China Youth Daily. An excerpt follows:

ASEAN free trade area benefits all sides 2005-06-30
When the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was launched in 1967, it was hard for its founders to predict the establishment of a China-ASEAN free trade area (FTA).

Internal woes do not justify protectionism 2005-06-07
After a little action and some rhetoric between the United States and China on the latter's rapid textile export growth, two top US trade officials came to Beijing over the weekend to meet with their Chinese counterparts.

State needs to change role in tobacco trade 2005-04-08
The Framework Convention of Tobacco Control, the first international legally-binding treaty against tobacco use, came into effect on February 27. China, one of the signing countries, will implement the convention after it is ratified by the National People's Congress, China's legislature.

Garment sector requires brands to win 2005-04-07
Here we are at a marketplace in downtown Paris, where things like shoes and clothes, virtually all made in China, are selling like hot cakes.

Chain stores' expansion spotlighted 2005-04-01
Editor's Note: The China Chain Store & Franchise Association recently released a report on the development of the country's chain store operators in 2004. Following are some excerpts from the report.

Big spenders lure foreign jewellery firms 2005-03-24
International luxury jewellery brands are seeking Chinese partners in a bid to enter the booming market in pursuit of the nation's growing ranks of big spenders.

Northern cities need wider market access 2005-03-18
Scholars at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) yesterday released their 2005 study of Chinese cities. They rated Shanghai as the most competitive for its business environment, although other cities may have their unique strengths in independent areas.

Unity offers strength for small retailers 2005-01-18
Group purchasing may be a handy way to save money for a young man like Zhang Quan, but it could be the only hope for China's small retailers.

Chinese products lack lustre 2005-01-14
Chinese brands are losing ground to their foreign rivals in the domestic consumer market, according to a report released last week by Sinomonitor International, a Sino-Japanese independent market monitoring company established in 1997.

Extra measures needed to cope with anti-dumping cases 2005-01-06
Chinese manufacturers have various options to minimize losses resulting from the rising anti-dumping actions against their products, economists and trade experts suggested during a recent forum in Beijing.

Getting the trade balance right 2005-01-04
China should no longer focus on the size of trade growth on its way to becoming a strong trading power.

Mainland-HK trade fruitful 2004-12-28
In a few days, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong will celebrate the first anniversary of the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA), the first bilateral free trade agreement (FTA) for either of them.

Imported cars do not threaten China 2004-12-21
Imported cars are not expected to suddenly flood into China after the quotas on import cars are removed and auto dealers' import licences are cancelled, suggest analysts and industry insiders.

Tariff cuts won't hurt domestic car industry 2004-12-20
Removing quotas and cutting tariffs on imported cars will not lead to a price slump in domestic-made vehicles, says an article in the International Finance News. An excerpt follows:

Monitoring meant to guarantee fair trade 2004-12-02
Several municipal and provincial governments across China are stepping up efforts to establish a national early warning system on imports to protect firms registered in the country against unfair competition involving foreign rivals.

Zero tariff won't harm furniture sector 2004-11-19
The Chinese furniture industry should be able to withstand the pressures of foreign competition when furniture import tariffs end next year as a result of World Trade Organization requirements, industry analysts say.

Quota lifting: Bane or boon? 2004-11-12
With global quotas on textiles and garments set to be phased out on January 1, 2005, the world textile market is likely to see dramatic restructuring.

Survey: Online shopping on the rise 2004-10-22
Editor's note: A handicapped person tells his legendary nouveau-riche story by selling balloons online; a business man boasts how he clinched a big deal on the Internet. These advertisements frequently appear on TV these days.

Calls to strengthen ties with EU 2004-10-19
Since the late 1990s, China and the European Union (EU) have seen an accelerated development in ties.

Traders upbeat about futures 2004-10-18
Given the recent, low-key debut of corn futures on the Dalian Commodity Exchange, China's futures traders are expected to be upbeat about the country's commodity futures market, which analysts say is poised for considerable growth over the next few years.

Effective market tools needed 2004-10-15
If soaring prices will give no relief to China's policy-makers, the third quarter growth should alleviate fears over a possible early credit squeeze which might have bitten too deep into the economy

Draft of direct selling law weighs options 2004-09-28
Enterprises kept their mouths shut after a seminar on the draft framework of the direct selling law, but experts believe the companies will have an "extremely" hard time over the uncertainty before the law takes effect.

Ad sector competition heats up 2004-09-21
Although there are unlikely to be a large number of new entrants upon the opening of China's advertising market next year, international and domestic advertising agencies are feeling the increasing heat of competition.

Chinese cars make inroads abroad 2004-09-02
While foreign auto giants launch massive offensives in China, the world's fastest-growing vehicle market, domestic automakers are going abroad, but in a much smaller way.

New strategies urged for duty-free shops 2004-07-13
US resident in Beijing Bob Goffman complains that the city's duty-free shops are somewhat lacklustre to him.

US duties leave TV producers three options 2004-06-29
China's TV manufacturers, on the verge of being squeezed out of the US market, appear to have three options: Export to other markets, export to the United States from facilities outside China, or export more high-end products.

Sino-US trade relations face challenge 2004-06-28
In the coming months, the US presidential election and inauguration of the new president are expected to push the United States to take harsher trade policies against China, but the situation will not last long, as there is an internal mechanism adjusting the bilateral trade relationship.

Tougher road for domestic automakers 2004-06-14
Beijing's blistering heat hasn't prevented huge crowds from visiting Auto China 2004, the nation's largest annual auto show, which wraps up on Wednesday

Kodak denies monopolistic accusations 2004-06-08
It is great for a company to be the dominant player in its market area, but being No 1 doesn't come without headaches.

Trade deficit benefits economy 2004-06-08
China's widening trade deficit in recent months will likely continue, and, if managed at a controllable pace, will likely contribute to the nation's economy, suggest senior trade experts.

What WTO membership really means 2004-06-07
China's farmers might not be in for such a hard time resulting from the nation's World Trade Organization (WTO) membership if a range of policies and reforms are introduced.

Trading giants remain sanguine 2004-06-01
uarterly reports of major listed trading companies show that they have weathered growing pains due to the opening-up of the trade sector and decreased export tax rebate rates.

Anti-monopoly rules should be expanded 2004-05-28
It is great to be your industry's dominant leader - unless you take advantage of that role to muscle your competitors aside and blackmail consumers.

Protectionism hurts everyone 2004-05-27
The International Trade Commission of the United States decided on May 14 that colour TV sets manufactured in China have caused material harm to US producers.

TV makers need focus 2004-05-24
Domestic TV makers should take an active and practical attitude towards the recent US anti-dumping ruling, according to an article in Beijing News. An excerpt follows:

Right time to revamp foreign trade law 2004-05-12
On April 6 the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress approved the revised foreign trade law, which takes effect on July 1.

Food safety standards need tougher scrutiny 2004-05-12
It is shocking and sorrowful that 13 babies died of malnutrition in Fuyang, East China's Anhui Province after being fed bogus instant milk powder with little, if any, nutritional value.

Cosmetic changes to anti-dumping rules 2004-04-27
A new version of China's anti-dumping legislation will take effect on June 1 after a 12-point revision was released earlier this month.

Shoddy food products taking a terrible toll 2004-04-23
It is shocking and sad that at least eight babies have died of malnutrition in Fuyang, East China's Anhui Province after being fed bogus instant milk made from powder that contained little - if any - nutritional value.

Reliance on exports worrisome 2004-04-20
China's trade deficit in the first quarter may not be worrying, but what should be worrying is the Chinese economy's heavy reliance on foreign trade.

Chinese DC makers zoom out of market? 2004-04-13
China's digital camera market is expected to experience a banner year -- with record sales growth -- this year.

Economist maps out hopes for trade 2004-04-08
Although China and India's trade volume and mutual investment are not as high as they should be, their growth rates are incredible, which is laying a solid grounding for the world's two fastest-expanding economies to come closer together, according to an Indian economist and industry leader.

Foreign Trade Law amendment approved, ending China's law amending process involving WTO commitments 2004-04-06
The draft amendment to the Chinese Foreign Trade Law, submitted for deliberation for the third time, was passed by a unanimous vote at the eighth meeting of the 10th National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, which was closed on Tuesday.

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