
  April 30,2002  
Macro economy  
Private economy  
Social security  
Rural development  
Urban development  
Critical postal reform 2006-09-06
The splitting of postal regulation from business marks a crucial step of China's postal reform, but it should not be the final one.

Don't violate approved plans 2006-09-04
Approved urban development plans should be respected, says a signed article in China Youth Daily.

Solutions to traffic jams 2006-09-01
Traffic congestion in Beijing was listed as a major subject in the State's key research development plan in early August.

Managing mails better 2006-08-31
Letters are supposed to be sent to the recipients, not to salvage stations. And yet, about 10,000 letters and other mails have been found in a Beijing salvage centre.

The end of IPO bonanza 2006-08-21
With Air China's A-shares opening lower than their issue price last Friday, domestic investors' insatiable appetite for new shares had seemingly reached its limit, at least, for the moment.

Make travel easier for the majority of the people 2006-08-16
Ease of travel should enjoy priority in urban road use, according to a signed article in Dazhong Daily.

Bicycle buying regulation impractical 2006-08-02
It is reported that the Beijing Public Security Bureau has established a database with information concerning the stealing, selling and buying of bicycles on the black market.

Jaywalkers aren't worst road villains 2006-07-04
The Shanghai municipal government appears to be getting serious about clamping down on jaywalking, littering and other anti-social behaviour that is part of the daily life of a large number of local people.

Keep our roads intact 2006-07-03
The repeated digging-up of roads in order to bury pipelines has become a major hazard affecting the smooth flow of traffic in Beijing and other cities.

Tibet railway's safety record offers food for thought 2006-07-03
Much media coverage of the newly completed engineering feat of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway has focused on its safety record. Indeed, when the building of subways in Beijing can still result in fatalities

Accessible but still pristine 2006-06-27
With less than a week to go before the Qinghai-Tibet Railway goes into official operation on July 1, many are very keen for a ticket to board the widely anticipated trains heading to the "roof of the world."

End motorway corruption 2006-06-26
The Ministry of Communications has sent a team to probe suspected corruption in the construction of a section of motorway in Central China's Hunan Province.

Pilots pose big problem 2006-06-22
Six pilots from China Eastern Airlines went on hunger strike for five days from June 15 after the airline's general manager refused to meet them to discuss a dispute over their resignations.

Charter flights taking off 2006-06-15
It is on festival occasions that people miss their loved ones most.

Why does Beijing have so many illegal taxis? 2006-06-08
Now that taxi fares in Beijing have been raised from 1.6 yuan (20 US cents) to 2 yuan (25 US cents) per kilometre, many people are beginning to question the capital's taxi management system.

Cars shouldn't be hallmark of prosperity 2006-06-06
Braving harmful smog in downtown, 52-year-old Du Shaozhong, deputy head of Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, trekked more than 70 minutes to his office one day last month.

Leave your car at home 2006-06-05
More than 40 per cent of motorists have told pollsters from Beijing Municipal Centre for Environmental Awareness Promotion that they will not get behind the wheel today, United Nations World Environment Day.

Make it easier to cross the road 2006-06-02
In order to prevent uncivilized behaviour, it is necessary for the authorities to improve their rules besides simply punishing the rule-breakers

Put people before profits 2006-06-02
Beijing West Railway Station, the biggest terminal of its kind in Asia, has been in dire straits since it was first opened a decade ago.

Bus cards a good start 2006-05-11
With a new integrated circuit (IC) card system put into operation yesterday, Beijing finally started to catch up with many other Chinese cities in providing an up-to-date public transportation ticketing system.

Priority for tourists' safety 2006-05-09
The safety of tourists must be a top priority at the nation's scenic spots, says a signed article in Beijing News. An excerpt follows:

Listen to the public 2006-04-27
When the public hearing on raising taxi fares opened in Beijing yesterday, there had already been ample public input via numerous media reports in the past week.

Stop unlicensed taxis 2006-04-24
It is of urgent concern that higher taxi fares may push those who do not want to pay extra money to take unlicensed taxis.

Discrimination does nobody any favours 2006-04-03
There were two encouraging developments in Beijing over the weekend: the removal of discriminatory policies against the use of small-engine cars and development of private business.

Reforming public car use an uphill battle 2006-03-27
It is difficult to find an English equivalent for the Chinese word gongche. It can be literally translated as "public vehicle," that includes public buses and other public transport means.

DPP faces quagmire in cross-Straits ties 2006-02-10
As flights took off from both sides of the Taiwan Straits for three weeks over the Lunar New Year of the Dog, hopes were high for a better year in cross-Straits ties.

Charter success proves need for direct links 2006-02-08
As the third annual cross-Straits charter flight programme successfully concluded yesterday, it served as a reminder that there is still a major demand for better links between Taiwan and the mainland.

Price hike will not ease traffic 2006-01-18
Raising the prices of railway tickets during the Spring Festival transport peak is not expected to help avoid the rush, says an article in Beijing News. An excerpt follows:

Rail network needs private locomotive 2005-09-22
Railway policy-makers have reiterated the sector will usher in more non-government investors to speed up its development. But so far there is a lot of talk but not much action.

Chinese companies build up reputation in scramble for Africa 2005-07-19
Driving along the Mtito Andei-Voi- Bachuma Gate road in Kenya, a main part of the Nairobi-Mombasa road and the Trans-Africa Highway, Kenyan driver Francis Kuria is always in a cheerful mood and cannot help praising the Chinese company which built it.

Circulation industry expects growth 2005-04-25
Editor's note: Since its reform and opening up, great changes have occurred in China's circulation sector, which is an important industry in the national economy.

Asia's growth lies in Northeast 2004-08-04
Direct transportation links will enhance economic co-operation throughout Northeast Asia, but the road to a regional free trade pact remains a bumpy ride, experts suggest.

Rail management must improve efficiency 2004-07-30
President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao have reportedly ordered railway authorities to do their utmost to ensure adequate coal supply for power plants to ease the current power shortage.

Games provide gold in logistics 2004-06-18
Editor's note: The 29th Olympic Games, to be held in Beijing in 2008, will provide a golden chance for logistics enterprises throughout the world, as the Games are expected to generate a wealth of business.

Freeway sparks development dilemma 2004-06-10
Nowadays improving traffic conditions is recognized in many parts of the country as a key to stimulating development of the local economy.

Transportation network crucial to prosperity 2004-04-28
On Monday China joined 22 other nations in signing an inter-governmental agreement on the Asian Highway Network, which is hailed as one of the most important fruits of the on-going gathering of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) in Shanghai.

Heavier fines expected to help make roads safer 2004-04-28
To be or not to be?
Starting May 1 pedestrians will have to make a choice before crossing the road on a red light.

Can LFA develop fast in Asia? 2004-04-06
At the beginning of 2004, news of the newly established Eagle Airline put the spotlight on China's low-fare airline (LFA) market.

Yangtze River changes navigation channels to ensure smooth sailing at night 2003-07-02
Foreign ships can now travel the lower Yangtze River at night smoothly because of changes to navigation channels that took effect on July 1.

Expressways eye road ahead 2003-04-02
The country's expressway construction should aim at the future, urged an article in People's Daily.

Private capital enters aviation industry 2003-02-13
The Junyao Group, a well-known Chinese private enterprise, was recently approved to buy Yichang Airport, 30 kilometres away from the Three Gorges Dam Project. The deal was the first such transaction for private capital.

Cross-strait railway to aid Hainan growth 2003-01-09
HAIKOU: China started ferrying trains on ships on Tuesday, the day that will always be remembered by locals across southern Qiongzhou Strait and railway builders.

Aviation industry needs more reform 2002-10-30
The long-awaited consolidation of the domestic aviation industry has finally occurred. While this brings hope that the restructuring will enhance the industry's efficiency and benefit consumers substantially, systemic obstacles still remain and cloud the much hoped-for growth of the industry.

Aviation reform takes flying leap 2002-10-22
The mergers of nine major airlines into three jumbo holding companies last week marked another important move China has taken to reform its large-sized State-owned enterprises in the air transport industry.

Express delivery competition intensifies - expert 2002-03-29
China's relatively fragile express delivery companies are bracing themselves for the inevitable blow from worldwide competition, following the country's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Challenges loom large for China's distribution players 2002-03-18
Observers of the Chinese home appliance market have not failed to notice a new phenomenon: manufacturers are scrambling to build their own distribution networks while distributors are partnering with manufacturers to procure private label appliances.

Government urged to break monopoly 2001-12-19
Chinese Government has been urged to open the State-monopolized sectors of telecommunications, banking and transport to domestic private investors.

Rail reform needs more momentum 2001-12-14
China's railway sector has undergone tough reforms over the past 20 years but even more effort is needed to meet the demands and expectations of consumers, an Outlook Weekly article said.

China's airlines to remain strong growth despite global downturn 2001-10-16
China's aviation market will remain one of the fastest-growing markets globally despite recent events in the United States and subsequent military action, a senior Salomon Smith Barney (SSB) analyst said on Monday.

Aviation industry soaring 2001-10-10
It's still too soon to tell what effect the slump in the international aviation market will have on China's civil aviation industry.

Logistics need better handling 2001-04-02
Senior officials attending a symposium in Beijing yesterday called for more government support to improve the quality and efficiency of China's logistics services.

Air industry needs super-carriers 2001-03-24
To beef up the civil aviation industry ahead of the expected entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO), China should consolidate small domestic airlines into super-carriers in order to relieve the threat of massive competition from foreign counterparts, said an article in China Business Times.

Infrastructure construction stressed 2000-10-19
The CPC proposes that, in the coming five to 10 years, the construction of water conservation, transportation, energy and other infrastructure projects will be further reinforced.

Logistics in dire need of upgrading 2000-06-25
GUANGZHOU: A sound logistics industry is vital to a healthy economy and e-commerce, but Guangzhou's existing system is just not up to the task, experts said.

Road work stressed at meeting 2000-04-08
Construction and expansion of highways will be the focus of this year's meeting of a working group of the China Council for International Co-operation on the Environment and Development.

Transportation system facing changes 2000-02-25
China's transportation system has undergone profound changes in recent years. Traditional transportation methods such as railways face more and more challenges from rapidly-growing highway and air transportation.

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