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27 Dresses《新娘靠邊閃》精講之五
[ 2009-09-23 17:00 ]


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Father: All I'm saying is you two are sisters. You have got to work this out.

Jane: I'm telling you, she doesn't want to talk.

Father: No, no. She loves you. Everything is gonna be fine. Okay. If you just-

Tess: Dad? What the hell is she doing here?

Father: Tess, this is between you and her. I'm out of this. You know, Flo, have you seen the new weed whackers we've got out front? The latest model.

Jane: I feel terrible. I'm so sorry for what happened.

Tess: Sorry? You humiliated me in front of every single person that I know, and you think you could just say sorry?

Jane: I know. But-

Tess: Jane, you were always jealous of me.

Jane: What?

Tess: Always! My clothes! My boyfriends!

Jane: Stop it!

Tess: You've just been waiting for the chance to tear me down.

Jane: That's not true.

Tess: Yes, it is! And you took the one thing that was finally working out.

Jane: Oh, please! This is so typical, Tess. You're not taking any responsibility for the fact that you lied to George. You manipulated him. Put down the bug spray. Put down the bug spray, Tess! Did you even love him? Or was it just convenient?

Jane: Oh, please, Jane. Get off your high horse. Just admit it. You resent me. Because you're the one who always had to braid my hair and make my Halloween outfits and go shopping for my prom dress.

Jane: No, I have never resented any of that.

Tess: Yes, you have. You always thought that my life was so easy.

Jane: It was! It is! You have never had a care in the world. You're beautiful and fun and charming. Your life is perfect.

Tess: Perfect? Are you crazy? You have no idea. You want to know the real reason why I decided to stay in New York? I got fired from my job. And to top it off, Rudolfo dumped me. He dumped me. And then George came along, and he was nice to me. And he treated me well, you know? And I just wanted to be someone that he wanted. I was trying to be someone who deserved him. Someone he could respect. I was trying to be you.

Jane: Why? Why would you want to be me when you get to be you?

Tess: This is a mess.

Jane: I know.

Tess: Jane, you've been trying to take care of me ever since Mom died.

Jane: I had to.

Tess: No, you didn't have to.

Jane: But- But if I don't then-

Tess: But if you don't, then you'll just be my sister, which is what it should be. Maybe when I was young you needed to help me out. But now? You gotta stop taking care of me, of everybody.

Jane: Hello? Hi. Yeah. Yeah. It's no problem. No, of course. Yeah, I'll be right there. Okay. Okay, bye.

妙語佳句 活學活用

1. what the hell: 究竟,到底,用以加強語氣。一般情況很糟糕的時候才用,有不禮貌的語氣。

2. tear someone down: 詆毀某人,讓某人丟臉。

例如:They tried to tear down the reputation of the novelist.(他們試圖詆毀小說家的名聲)。

此外,tear down還可以表示“拆毀,批駁”。例如:It's not difficult to tear down a groundless argument.(批駁一個沒有根據的論點并不難。)

3. manipulate: 玩弄。Jane在這里的意思是,Tess玩弄了George的感情。

此外,manipulate還可以表示“操縱”。股民們平時最痛恨someone who manipulates stock prices(操縱股票價格的人)。

4. high horse: 高傲的態度。Tess對Jane說:“別那么義正詞嚴,趾高氣揚的”。

High horse如果直譯就是高頭大馬。早在十四世紀的時候地位高高在上的人騎的馬匹得盡可能地高大,以顯示他們高人一等的身份地位。

例如:Since Bob was elected president of the club, he's been up on his high horse, ordering the rest of us around as if we were his personal servants.(自從Bob當選為俱樂部主席以來,他就趾高氣揚起來了,把朋友們差遣得團團轉,就好像這些人都是他雇的傭人一樣)。

5. braid: 編織,編結。Tess說,Jane打小就要每天braid her hair(給她扎辮子,梳頭發)。

6.prom: 正式舞會,尤指美國高中的正式舞會。文中的prom dress就是指“舞會禮服”。

7. to top it off: 更重要的是。根據語境可譯為“更棒的是”或者“更糟糕的是”。

例如:And to top it off girl, he's a player.(女孩,更要命的是,他在玩弄你的感情)。

Top off單獨使用則表示“結束,完成”,例如:They topped off their dinner with a cognac.(他們最后喝了一杯白蘭地,結束了晚餐。)

8. dump someone: 拋棄某人。Tess的意思是“魯道夫把我甩了”。

戀人分手還常用break up; part with one another; say goodbye來表達。


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